Delivery in 48 hours from the beginning of November 2020 to the end of March 2021

Free withdrawal within 48 hours in our rose garden
Product Details
Les Provençelles BY D. Massad : DOMAINE SAINT JACQUES DU COULOUBRIER®. The domain of Saint Jacques du Couloubrier is nestled in the hills of Grasse. Surrounded by olive trees, the house of master features apricot colored walls. It is this color that inspired the choice of a new rose to carry the name of this remarkable garden. Indeed, they are orange tones that assumes this new creation: mixed orange pink coral and yellow changing depending on the season and climate. The bouquets of good size flowers are worn by a vigorous rose upright habit reaching 1.30 m and highlighted by dark green glossy foliage strongly tinged with purple when young and passing glossy dark green. To make it even more attractive, the flowers exhale a strong fruity-rosy flavor and renew themselves in waves throughout the season.
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